Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Bassingham Primary School is supported by a well qualified, hard working group of governors. Governors have responsibility for setting the strategic aims, ethos and direction of the academy; monitoring and evaluating its performance; and determining the resources required to achieve the best possible outcomes for its pupils and the community. Please find below our governing body details and key documentation.
Our governors can be contacted via the Governing Body Clerk via the school office.
Jo Lambert - Chair of Governors
Contact: FAO Jo Lambert
Bassingham Primary School
Lincoln Road
After leaving Nottingham University 31 years ago I began teaching as a nursery teacher in a large primary school in central London. Since I have taught all age groups from Early Years to end f Key Stage 2 and I have worked as a senior leader for the past 14 years. Throughout my career I have trained teachers as a fellow of Goldsmiths and Edge Hill universities, worked as a local authority consultant and advisor and I have had opportunities to work at national level and most recently with an outstanding primary school in Nottingham.
My family and I relocated home to Lincolnshire in 2015. After commuting to London for over 6 years I have retired from teaching to enjoy the birds sing and the flowers grow, for now.
Throughout my career I have been a governor in both mainstream and special school settings. I have had the privilege to be a governor at Sir William Robertson Academy since my son joined the school in Year 7. My specific foci in the setting are Safeguarding, Child Protection and Pupil Premium. I am looking forward to getting to know the Bassingham Primary School community and supporting Mr. Betts and the governing body in any way I can.
Emma Jenkins – Parent Governor
After completing my A-Levels, I joined the Royal Air Force in 2002 and commissioned into the Personnel Support Branch. Following professional training, I have undertaken a variety of roles including visits and protocol, discipline, welfare, recruiting and personnel management. I am married to Al, who is also in the Royal Air Force, and we have one child who is in Primary Education. Interests outside of work include yoga, swimming and as a family maximising our National Trust Membership where I have a particular interest in the quality of their cake and hot chocolate! Throughout my career, I have held positions on management committees within childcare settings and I’m absolutely delighted to join the Local Governing Body at Bassingham Primary School where I look forward to working with the Senior Leadership Team and wider community.
Georgie Wiltshire – Staff Governor
I have been a Governor for just over a year now and have enjoyed the experience so far. I am in my fourth as a Teacher year at Bassingham Primary School and have taught both Year 3 and Year 4 during this period.
Out of school, I enjoy going to the gym and also eating cake! I have a passion for Formula 1 and because of this I have been lucky enough to attend races at Silverstone. I adore cats and kittens and around school I am often referred to as the cat lady!
Alan Brogan – Co-Opted Governor
After leaving school (many years ago) I qualified and worked as an electrician and then later worked for British Telecommunications PLC. After 10 years working in industry, I quit my job to go to university and complete a degree in education.
As a newly qualified teacher, I began my teaching career at Sir William Robertson Academy and after 25 years, I’m still at the same school where my currently post is deputy head teacher responsible for curriculum and achievement. During my time at this school, I have been involved in a variety of strategic school partnerships including both secondary and primary schools and this has given me valuable experience of the diversity of needs of individual schools and how solutions can be achieved through collaboration and innovation.
I am delighted to have joined the governing body at Bassingham and I look forward to working alongside the school community and supporting in any way I can. Having previously been a governor at a similar sized rural Lincolnshire Primary School near Sleaford, I understand the many challenges that we face and hope that my experience of working in Lincolnshire education will enable me to offer a good level of challenge and support to the school leadership team.
Sophie Longney – Co-Opted Governor
I am incredibly passionate about all aspects of teaching and learning and I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to support Bassingham Primary grow and flourish as part of the Aspire Schools Trust.
I currently work as part of the academic team at Bishop Grosseteste University as a Senior Lecturer in Initial Primary Education. Prior to this, I was the Vice Principal of a large primary school located in Nottinghamshire. As part of this role, I was the Head of Teaching and Learning, English and Key Stage 2 Lead while continuing to specialise in the teaching of English in Year 6. I was also the English and Year 6 Lead for a multi-academy trust.
I completed my Masters in Education in 2019 and focused on improving the teaching of reading within Key Stage 2. The findings from this research had a very positive impact and significantly improved end of KS2 reading outcomes. I have also been awarded Chartered Teacher Status and previously worked as a writing moderator for Nottinghamshire County Council.
I am looking forward to working with the Bassingham Primary School community and I hope that my previous experience of working within primary education will enable me to support the school and leadership team effectively.
Charlotte Cooper - Local Governor
I have worked in secondary schools for 18 years, teaching Science, Biology and a bit of Geography too. I particularly enjoy the enthusiasm that year 7 bring to our lessons, but also seeing the other end of the journey when our young adults have developed the skills to learn by themselves and are ready to start their next steps in their chosen fields. The skills and desire to learn that start in primary school are essential to their success. I am passionate about reading and creative writing and have loved seeing how my own children have developed these skills across their primary education. Both my children get excited about learning and have found the environment at Bassingham has been great for developing their skills and interests. I am looking forward to helping Bassingham Primary School where I can in continuing to offer this to all children whatever their particular experiences in life.
Hannah Chapman - Local Governor
I have lived in Bassingham all my life and attended Bassingham Primary School myself. I followed my mother and grandparents who were all educated at Bassingham Primary, yet then this was on the former site in the Old School building which stands opposite Bassingham Church. Having been a part of Bassingham Primary School as a child and watching my mother and grandmother both play a part in the school as lunchtime supervisors and on the PTA (better known today as FOBs), I have always been keen to support the school and the excellent work it does, both with the children of Bassingham and the surrounding villages.
I have two children who both started their journey in education at Bassingham Pre-School where I was on the committee. Now my eldest is a former pupil at Bassingham Primary School and attends SWRA and my youngest is a current pupil. Both my niece and nephew attend the school too.
After completing my A-Levels, I went off to the Teacher Training College of Ripon and York St John where I gained my teaching qualification and a degree in Theology in 2003. For the last 20 years I have taught Key Stage 1/infant children in Years 1 and 2. As a part of my school’s Senior Leadership Team and as well as dedicating myself to the classroom, I have also had several years as an Assistant Head in the Primary School, then as Acting Head of School and for the last 18 years I have devoted myself to the role of Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo), where I enjoy supporting children with additional needs and their families. This role also includes working closely with Looked After children and pupils for whom English is an Additional Language. I also lead the subjects of History and Geography and I am Reading Leader assisting the planning, delivering and assessment of the Early Reading and Phonics curriculum within our setting.
Having wanted to be a primary school teacher from being a young girl, I enjoy all aspects of teaching and learning. I am pleased to have been given the opportunity to work with the staff, children and the community at Bassingham Primary School as part of the Aspire Schools Trust. I look forward to being able to support the school and leadership team effectively as the school’s moves forward.
Andy Adlington - Local Governor
After graduating from the University of Lincoln in 2007, I relocated to live in Michigan, USA on a football scholarship where I studied for a number of years to earn another degree. In 2011, I moved back to Lincolnshire to train to be a primary school teacher at Bishop Grosseteste University. Upon completion of this, I worked as a primary school teacher for 5 years before moving to join a large secondary Academy in Lincoln, which is where I currently work as Assistant Head Teacher and Executive SENCO.
As part of my current role, I get the opportunity to work alongside students who have additional learning differences and I am in the fortunate position of coordinating support for them. I enjoy the complex nature of the role and enjoy the work I get to do alongside the family and other external agencies. This role has given me the chance to develop my leadership skills and experience as I lead a team here at the Academy to ensure the right support is in the right place. I welcome the opportunity to be governor at Bassingham Primary school as it will allow me the chance to work across both phases of education and I hope that with my previous experience, I can support the governing body and the school.
In my spare time I am a keen runner and enjoy long distance events. I have completed several marathons and a number of ultra marathons and look forward to taking on more challenges in the future. Along with my wife and daughter, we all love to be outdoors whether that be in the hills of the lake district or down at our allotment. My daughter is soon to be attending Bassingham Primary school as a student there so I look forward to the work I can hopefully bring to the school and its governing body.
Joe Kitchen - Local Governor
Despite leaving full-time education at 16, I enjoyed further education and academia for the subsequent 10 years. After completing a Mechanical Engineering Apprenticeship with Siemens, I completed a HNC and FdSc in Mechanical Engineering, BSc (Hons) in Engineering Management, an MBA and several professional qualifications.
I have 15 years of experience in Project, Manufacturing and Operations Management, specialising in transformational change processes. I have worked across a variety of industries in the UK including automotive, aerospace and power generation. Responsible for large headcounts, diverse demographics and highly regulated environments, most recent roles have been as Senior Management Consultant operating internationally, Head of Operational Excellence at Siemens Gamesa (Wind Turbine Blade Factory) and now as an Operations Director of an Engineering / technology business.
When not at work, I appreciate the time I have to spend with my wife and two young children, who are both in primary education. Much like our children, we enjoy all types of physical exercise/activity as well as socialising with friends. Over the last 17 years, I have also found the time to coach gymnasts competing at a national level and fulfil the role of Director at my local gymnastics club over a similar period.
I am privileged to have the opportunity to have a positive influence on the schools future and I am confident the experience I have from a different industry can add value to the school in a governance capacity.