Religious Education
The Agreed Syllabus we follow was produced in Lincolnshire following the publication of the Non-Statutory Framework for Religious Education. Through the teaching of RE, we enable and encourage pupils to:
- Develop a knowledge and understanding of Christianity: learn about and learn from Christian faith and life
- Develop a knowledge and understanding of the other principal religions found in the United Kingdom and their associated ways of living
- Have respect for all people and their right to hold, or not to hold, religious beliefs
- Appreciate the way in which religious beliefs shape life and how these beliefs contribute to personal morality and social responsibility
- Appreciate the distinctive nature of religion within human experience and develop a personal sense of meaning in life
The teaching of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural principles, as well as British Values is enhanced through assemblies as well as through daily lessons. Seasonal events such as Easter, Harvest and Christmas, as well as multi-cultural festivals are celebrated.