Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead Designated Teacher
Deputy DSL
Deputy DSL
Our Governor with responsibility for safeguarding is Hannah Chapman
Keeping Children Safe in Education – Information for Parents and Carers
Bassingham Primary School is committed to providing a happy and safe environment for all our children to learn.
Child Protection
This is a very important subject in which all staff receive regular training. Our priority is to work with you but there may be times when we have to involve other people and agencies.
Everybody has a responsibility to safeguard children and to keep them from harm. Harm is identified in four ways:
- Physical – this is when a child is deliberately hurt or injured
- Sexual – this is when a child is influenced or forced to take part in a sexual activity. This can be a physical activity or non-physical i.e. being made to look at inappropriate images
- Emotional – this is when a child is made to feel frightened, worthless or unloved. It can be shouting, using threats or making fun of someone. It can also be when children see their parents, or visitors to the home, fighting or using violence
- Neglect – this is when a child is not being taken care of by their parents. It can be poor hygiene, poor diet, not keeping appointments, not coming to school or being left home alone
All staff at our school are also alert to the signs of Extremism and Radicalisation which is where children can be put at risk of harm from the holding of extreme polictical or religious views.