Term Dates/School Day
The recently published DfE White Paper sets out the expectation that schools should deliver a school week of at least 32.5 hours by September 2023 for all pupils. As a result of this updated guidance, please see below regarding our school day at Bassingham Primary School.
Start of the Day (8.50am – 9.00am)
Any children and parents/carers arriving by foot can enter school via the small gate next to Tree Tops. This will ensure the busy car park can be avoided if you are not driving. This gate will also be opened at 8.50am. Children will need to walk along the footpaths and enter classrooms the normal way, not via the School Office.
- Both the small gate next to Tree Tops and the side gate next to the Tennis Courts will be opened at 8.50am
- Pupils will walk sensibly straight to their classrooms to begin a Morning Activity as part of our ‘Trickle Time’
- Parents are also welcome to accompany their children to the correct classroom
- Teachers will still be available from 8.50am – 9.00am each morning
- If you need a ‘quick chat’ with them, please pop down to classrooms between these times
- All parents are to leave the school site promptly via either gate
- Both school gates will be closed just after 9.00am
End of the Day (3.20pm – 3.40pm)
- Both the small gate next to Tree Tops and the side gate next to the Tennis Courts will be opened at 3.20pm
- To improve pupil safety, the large double gates will be no longer opened at the end of the day
- For parents/carers arriving by foot, we would encourage arrival and exit via the small gate next to Tree Tops
- This will ensure the busy car park can be avoided if you are not driving
- Once on site, parents/carers need to wait directly outside classrooms
- At 3.25pm, pupils in Reception/Year 1/Year 2 will be dismissed via classrooms
- At 3.30pm, pupils in Years 3 – 6 will be dismissed via classrooms
- This stagger should help alleviate any overcrowding on the exit routes
- Once collected, please leave the school site promptly via any of the gates outlined above
- Both gates will be locked at 3.40pm
- After collection, it will remain the responsibility of parents/carers to navigate the car park safely