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School Council

School Council Members

Classes are currently voting for their School Council representatives. 

Autumn Term 2023

This term we elected our new School Council members and had our first few meetings. We were selected to represent our school for a special BBC Breakfast recording at our school. We met with Caroline Johnson, a local MP, and asked her lots of interesting questions. We met with FOBS and began to think of ways we can support them in fundraising for our school! 

How Our School Council Works

Elections in each class take place to give all children an opportunity to put themselves forward to become a member of the School Council. During the election, the children give speeches and vote for the candidates. This provides the children with a greater understanding of the British value of democracy and how the political system operates in this country.

Our School Council is made up of two representatives from each class from Years 1 to 6. In the Summer Term, two representatives will join us from Reception Class too. These representatives have the responsibility of sharing the pupil voice and ideas of members of their class. Our Year 6 members have specific roles which are: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. 

All of our representatives attend regular meetings to discuss views and ideas, creating plans and carrying out tasks. Before each meeting, an agenda is created, by our Chair and Vice-Chair, minutes are taken by our Secretary and an action plan is created, reviewed or updated by the Vice-Chair and Treasurer. Each meeting will be run by the Chair and representatives will share the views of their class. Representatives report back to and gain feedback from their class about the areas discussed at meetings to ensure every child in school has a voice. They will also work alongside adults in school to empower the children to have a role in the decision-making processes of the school. The Treasurer will also update staff about the School Council's fundraising activities.